Activities and Activity Hours (or Project Tasks) "Activities" are those "high level" steps, goals, or "bench marks" that need to be completed before a project is finished. For example, in the building industry, your activities could be "Building Codes", "Prepare Foundation", "Build Concrete Frames", Sewer and Drainage", etc. As you can see, you could have several activities for a project. "Activity Hours" (detailed hour entry for project tasks) are the actual dates, task descriptions, resources and hours expended to complete each activity. For example, you could have activity hours (or task hours) of "Clear Land ", "Grade Land", "Dig Basement", etc.; for the activity of "Prepare Foundation". You may also have several activity hours (tasks) to complete each activity and several activity hours with the description of " Clear Land ", each with different dates, resources and different hours. These are the components that most managers and most project management software, try to use to manage a project. While activities, hours and dates (estimated and actual) are indeed necessary to determine the current status of your project, they ARE NOT the key to project management success! ProjectST was not designed to be project scheduling software, but rather to manage those things that disrupt project schedules.However, ProjectST provides two reports and a Gantt chart to reflect the actual "most current" status of a project, so ProjectST is more than sufficient as a "total project management tool" for small business management, mid-sized business management or for departmental use in larger corporations. For those user’s who are already using project scheduling or project costing software, ProjectST is a wonderful tool to help you manage those things that project schedulers and costing software can't. If this tour doesn't begin after 'clicking' on the green 'start' bar, please check to see that popups are not blocked on your browser. Product Tour Modules
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